19 February 2025

The North Outfall Allotments are located near Nidd Gorge and are directly adjacent Yorkshire Water’s water treatment facility in Bilton, Harrogate.

The site is owned by Harrogate Borough Council and is self managed by the North Outfall Allotment Association (NOAA) under the Council’s self administration scheme via a constitutional Association, to manage own site budget and to decide how our site is run. Our Association is governed by a committee of 8 elected volunteers, including a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

The allotments offer a picturesque location in a quiet rural setting where members can relax and productively exercise in the fresh air by growing their own fruit and vegetables.  Our members span a broad range of ages and backgrounds which means that our community can provide a wealth of knowledge and experience on a varied range of topics and interests.

We regularly organise community activities and events within our own Association and work hard to support charities and activities in the wider Allotment & Gardening community.  We are also active members of the Harrogate & District Allotments and Gardens Federation (HDAF).

NOAA have been winners of the Edgar Scholey Shield for the best allotment site in Harrogate in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and again in 2019 for the seventh consecutive year.

Our site comprises Eighty one Plots. Mains water and a variety of garden sheds are available on the majority of the plots.

Bachelor Gardens and Bachelor Road provide access to the allotments. Wide gates provide vehicular access to the upper and lower paths via Bachelor Gardens.

All eighty one plots are presently let. Demand for plots is reasonably high. There is currently a large waiting list for NOAA site plots. New applicants can currently expect to wait for up to a few year to reach the top of our waiting list.

New applicants are welcome at any time. Should you wish to discuss membership please contact our Membership Secretary, via the link below.